Friday, January 9, 2015

Engaging Ethics

Who is writing this blog, anyway?
Its me! I am Meg and I am from and currently live in Georgia. I went away to college where I earned a Bachelor of Science in Religious Studies and then went straight to seminary where I earned a Master of Divinity. (I always think that sounds a little pretentious - like anyone could master the divine!) I am currently enrolled at Troy University where I am working on a Master in Public Administration degree with an emphasis in non-profit management.

I currently work at a non-profit community center where I coordinate a community initiative to working to help low-wealth families resolve poverty and thrive. We do this by working with families who want to work with us and helping them create their own plans for success. We match each family with volunteers called Allies who agree to form a friendship with the family and support (not financially) and encourage the families as they journey our of poverty. Its good work and a lot of fun to see such changes in families and our community. If you'd like to learn more visit the Circles USA website at:

My partner and I are foster parents and are currently parenting two children who are not siblings. We have a 22 month old girl and an 8 month old boy. I often tell people it is the craziest and the best thing I've ever done! I blog about that adventure at this site if you're interested!

What is this blog about?
I am writing this blog as a way to be intentional about engaging ethics - specifically ethics related to public administration.

How often should I visit?
I plan to post weekly.

Where am I? 
In case you made it here by mistake you've found a blog with this address:

Why does this exist?
Well, that can be a very deep question depending on the answer. For this purpose, this blog exists as an outlet for a student to engage ethics in a new way. It also could provide a meaningful platform for connection and conversation about things that matter. Or things that should matter if we thought more about them!

1 comment:

  1. Mary,

    Your job sound so interesting and different from anything I have ever done. I have been thinking about getting into the non-profit world, but can't seem to find the best way to start. Circles USA sounds like a great organization that does well for families. I have also have a six month old baby girl that I adore to. I have ever heard of a Master's of Divinity sounds like an interesting study of a degree. I can't wait to read more of your colorful blog filled with facts. I know that they will be great just from the first one.
